Entity Framework Core 9 provider for Firebird is ready
I’m excited to announce the release of Entity Framework Core 9 provider for Firebird.
I’m excited to announce the release of Entity Framework Core 9 provider for Firebird.
Purely out of curiosity I decided to test latencies to a few Azure datacenters around me. Specifically, Germany West Central (Frankfurt), Poland Central (Warsaw) and West Europe (Amsterdam). I wanted to test Azure DC in Austria as well, but it is not yet available.
In couple of days Techorama in Utrecht is going to happen. This year’s theme is funfair. This I was lucky and 2 of my sessions were selected.
We are couple of weeks from .NET DeveloperDays 2024. Really excited to be there. My main “show” there is going to be Mastering Entity Framework Core workshop.
Tento týden se koná, dneska už tradiční dvojboj konferencí, WUG Days 2024 a SQL Server Bootcamp 2024 v Brně. A tak jako obvykle, připravil jsem několik přednášek.
I’ll be speaking this Thursday about Tips and tricks for VS debugger in Vienna for DotNetDevs.at. You can register here.
One of my favourite conferences – .NET Developer Days – that happens in Warsaw in fall is now having also a Berlin edition. And I’m a big fan of Berliner Fernsehturm. Looks like a perfect combination (well, perfect combination would be to have the conference in Fernsehturm 😉). Anyway, I’ll have two sessions there and I hope to see you there.
I’m excited to announce the release of Entity Framework Core 8 provider for Firebird.
I was working on a codebase the other day and it used heavily the pattern matching features of C#. And as I was writing string.IsNullOrEmpty
it got me thinking whether I could switch from this very specific method to using (maybe) a more general pattern matching approach. And also, how that compares in performance.
2.5.2024 od 17:00 na WUGu v Olomouci si popovídáme o async a await. Přednáška Async a await pěkně od podlahy má v mém reportoáru už asi 30 podob. Pokaždé když ji dělám řeknu něco jinak, někdo se zeptá na něco zajímavého atp. a ani tady to nebude jinak. Tak se přijďte podívat a udělat se mnou další podobu.
Zítra, 19. dubna, se koná globalní akce Global Azure 2024. I já přispěju trochu do mlýna s tématem Azure Spot instances as your secret weapon.
16.4.2024 od 17:30 na WUGu ve Zlíně si dáme dvojpřednášku. Laďte jak profík ve Visual Studiu a Práce se stringy v .NET 8 a SearchValues.
I’ll be speaking at this years Warsaw IT Days 2023. One sessions What’s new in C# 12 will be in-person in Warsaw, while other Dynamic PGO in .NET 8 and why you need to know about it is VoD.
V pondělí se uskuteční WUG Dev Day 2024. Připravil jsem dvě přednášky.
My mind was wandering, as usual when it is not 100% occupied, and I remembered that the Select
LINQ function has an overload that gives you the index into the enumeration and it uses an int. So, I thought what’s going to happen if I have longer enumeration and it goes over the range of the int?
Step forward for FbNetExternalEngine today – version 6.0 is ready, you can go and download it right now.
New major version of ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready for download.
Trhák letošního roku – .NET 8 – 14.11. v premiéře ve Zlíně s celebritami. Řečeno normálně, společné sledování keynote .NET Conf 2023 v rámci WUGu ve Zlíně, následná diskuze s experty a také neformální hospoda. Lepší úterní večer asi těžko vymyslíte (nebo nejste opravdový geek 😄). Tak doufám, že se tam uvidíme.
Less than a week until .NET Developer Days 2023. Can’t wait to be there. This year, I’ll be doing workshop and session.
After the Belgium version Techorama is going to Netherlands, in October 9-11.
I’ll deliver workshop called Mastering Entity Framework Core – basically in something like 8 hours I’ll try to teach you Entity Framework Core all the way into “monk” level. It will be a lot of stuff, but also lot of fun.
Besides the workshop, I’ll also have two sessions Autoincrement (identity) is not the only option for primary keys and What’s new in Entity Framework Core 7 (abstracts below).
Pokud to nemáte do Olomouce daleko, můžeme se ve středu 27.9.2023 od 17:00 potkat na WUGu v Olomouci s tématem Na co mám/můžu použít Roslyn.
Už zítra vypukne konference WUG Days 2023.2 a následovat bude SQL Server Bootcamp 2023. Protože čtete tento text, asi vás zajímá, jaké přednášky jsem připravil.
I was today’s years old when I realized I can create class named end
in C#.
I’ll be at this year’s WeAreDevelopers World Congress. I’m running a workshop Writing and measuring high performance code with latest .NET and C# features.
.NET fwdays’23 is happening 17 June and I’ll have one session there Making boring old WinForms game fun and cool with latest .NET features and cloud.
Příští týden se bude konat Gopas TechEd. Letos jsem připravil 3 přednášky.
For my day to day calls I’m using Logitech Brio webcam. It provides very decent picture quality and I like using Windows Hello for unlocking my PC. But I was experiencing major issues. Here’s a (weird) solution that worked for me.
I’ll be speaking at Techorama 2023 happening May 15-17. This year I’ll have one session and one workshop. The session is What’s new in Entity Framework Core 7. The workshop is Mastering Entity Framework Core.
This Saturday I’ll be speaking at Warsaw IT Days 2023. One sessions What’s new in C# 11 will be in-person in Warsaw, while other C# Source Generators – let the machine do the programming is VoD.