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by Jiří {x2} Činčura

Jiří Činčura

Hello. My name is Jiří Činčura. And I write code – aka I’m a developer.

I focus on anything that spans data access layers, business layers, testing, databases, parallelism, debugging, operating system concepts, cloud and scaling, programming language constructs and whatever is in between.

I’m a long-time contributor to open-source. I’ve been doing it for over two decades. I’m a project lead for ADO.NET provider (and related providers like Entity Framework Core) for Firebird (the database). I work as a senior software engineer for Microsoft in Entity Framework Core/data area.

When not writing code I’m speaking, teaching and writing about topics above. I speak at conferences, user groups, companies, … and to whoever will listen. And write even for just a single reader. Because I like doing it.

You can find a lot of code here on the blog and on my GitHub. If you use Firebird and like .NET, you might be interested in FbNetExternalEngine project or FirebirdDbComparer. My application ID3 renamer might help you to keep your MP3 files in order.

And finally, I also run and do yoga. I like running long, so called ultra, distances. Preferably in the mountains. For yoga I’m practitioner of Ashtanga yoga, because I like the connection between physical and mental self. But lately, I’ve been neglecting these hobbies.

I would love it if you would subscribe to my blog’s feed. I’m also on social media, mostly Bluesky or Mastodon or Twitter. If you just want to email me, go ahead send your message to

To support my work, including this blog and my open-source efforts, Github Sponsors is one way to do it.


Jiří Činčura is .NET, C# and Firebird expert. He focuses on data and business layers, language constructs, parallelism, databases and performance. For almost two decades he contributes to open-source, i.e. FirebirdClient. He works as a senior software engineer for Microsoft. Frequent speaker and blogger at

Jiří Činčura je expert na .NET, C# a Firebird. Zaměřuje se na datové a business vrstvy, jazykové konstrukce, paralelizmus, databáze a výkonnost aplikací. Téměř dvacet let se zabývá open-source, např. FirebirdClient. Pracuje jako senior software engineer pro Microsoft. Speaker a blogger na

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