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by Jiří {x2} Činčura

Techorama 2023

2 May 2023 1 mins Presentations & Speaking

I’ll be speaking at Techorama 2023 happening May 15-17. This year I’ll have one session and one workshop. The session is What’s new in Entity Framework Core 7. The workshop is Mastering Entity Framework Core.

For the workshop you can read more about the workshop (and me) here. We’ll cover topics like:

  • Database and provider configuration
  • Creating and configuring model
  • Inheritance, table splitting, keyless entities, shadow properties, shared entitites, owned types, converters, comparers, …
  • Lazy loading, split queries, custom SQL queries
  • Custom mapping and custom functions
  • Change tracking, ID generation, transactions, concurrency, batching
  • Services configuration and implementing your own

But this just a subset of topics. Depending on questions (and time), we can (and very likely will) steer one way or the other.

Hope to see you on my workshop or my session.


Profile Picture Jiří Činčura is .NET, C# and Firebird expert. He focuses on data and business layers, language constructs, parallelism, databases and performance. For almost two decades he contributes to open-source, i.e. FirebirdClient. He works as a senior software engineer for Microsoft. Frequent speaker and blogger at