ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready (with Entity Framework Core 6.0 support)
New major version of ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready for download. Major version number change, big changes. Buckle up.
First big feature is support for Entity Framework Core 6 (including new data types from .NET 6).
Second big feature is batching API support from Firebird 4. The current implementation focuses on having all the calls in place and I plan to later add some higher level APIs, something like i.e. FbBulkCopy, later when enough feedback is collected. The documentation for batching is here.
Finally, smaller, yet still important, improvements are available in this release. For example more detailed logging, statement timeouts and more.
The major version is also expected to have some breaking changes and version 9.0 is no exception. Possible breaking changes are marked using breaking tag.
Overview of all the changes can be found in here.
You can get the bits from NuGet FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient and FirebirdSql.EntityFrameworkCore.Firebird (and EntityFramework.Firebird).
Last, but not least, I’d like to thank BMI Leisure and Vertec for continued support of provider. Without such support some big features would be hard to implement.