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by Jiří {x2} Činčura

Exploring .NET’s – Java inspired – “synchronized” methods

13 Aug 2018 5 mins .NET, .NET Core, Java, JIT, Multithreading/Parallelism/Asynchronous/Concurrency, RyuJIT

I was recently talking about first versions of .NET, C# and the world of development technologies of that time. As I briefly touched J# (anybody remembers?) I realized there’s one Java feature that was added to C# because of inspiration by Java and I wanted to explore it. It’s not much used or even known in C#, but it’s still there. And because it’s about “threading and synchronization” I couldn’t resist and immediately jumped in. It’s synchronized methods.


In Java you can write code like this.

public synchronized void foo() {

The synchronized keyword is what’s interesting. In simple language it means, the foo method can be executed only by one thread at any given time. Complete description, i.e. memory ordering, can be found in the docs.


Although there’s no synchronized keyword in C#, it exists in IL. The chapter “II. Implementation information” of ECMA 335 specification lists attributes that the method can have and the meaning. The synchronized is declared as follows.

synchronized specifies that the whole body of the method shall be single-threaded. If this method is an instance or virtual method, a lock on the object shall be obtained before the method is entered. If this method is a static method, a lock on the closed type shall be obtained before the method is entered. If a lock cannot be obtained, the requesting thread shall not proceed until it is granted the lock. This can cause deadlocks. The lock is released when the method exits, either through a normal return or an exception. Exiting a synchronized method using a tail. call shall be implemented as though the tail. had not been specified.

To have this attribute on a method from C# you have to use MethodImpl attribute with MethodImplOptions.Synchronized value.

public void Foo()

This method is then conceptually same as this (for non-static methods).

public void Foo()
	lock (this)

But what’s really inside?

Resulting code

Without much hesitation let’s jump into WinDbg and see the resulting code in a raw form. Here’s the interesting fragment using .NET Core 2.1 x64.

Using MethodImplOptions.Synchronized.

00007ff9`dea414d0 55              push    rbp
00007ff9`dea414d1 56              push    rsi
00007ff9`dea414d2 4883ec38        sub     rsp,38h
00007ff9`dea414d6 488d6c2440      lea     rbp,[rsp+40h]
00007ff9`dea414db 33c0            xor     eax,eax
00007ff9`dea414dd 488945e8        mov     qword ptr [rbp-18h],rax
00007ff9`dea414e1 488965e0        mov     qword ptr [rbp-20h],rsp
00007ff9`dea414e5 488bf1          mov     rsi,rcx
00007ff9`dea414e8 33d2            xor     edx,edx
00007ff9`dea414ea 8955f0          mov     dword ptr [rbp-10h],edx
00007ff9`dea414ed 488975e8        mov     qword ptr [rbp-18h],rsi
00007ff9`dea414f1 488d55f0        lea     rdx,[rbp-10h]
00007ff9`dea414f5 488bce          mov     rcx,rsi
00007ff9`dea414f8 e893f7c65f      call    coreclr!JIT_MonEnterWorker_Portable (00007ffa`3e6b0c90)
00007ff9`dea414fd 48b96830667407020000 mov rcx,20774663068h
00007ff9`dea41507 488b09          mov     rcx,qword ptr [rcx]
00007ff9`dea4150a e829feffff      call    00007ff9`dea41338
00007ff9`dea4150f 488d55f0        lea     rdx,[rbp-10h]
00007ff9`dea41513 488bce          mov     rcx,rsi
00007ff9`dea41516 e855f9c65f      call    coreclr!JIT_MonExitWorker_Portable (00007ffa`3e6b0e70)
00007ff9`dea4151b 90              nop
00007ff9`dea4151c 488d65f8        lea     rsp,[rbp-8]
00007ff9`dea41520 5e              pop     rsi
00007ff9`dea41521 5d              pop     rbp
00007ff9`dea41522 c3              ret

Using Monitor/lock.

00007ff9`dea72a70 55              push    rbp
00007ff9`dea72a71 4883ec30        sub     rsp,30h
00007ff9`dea72a75 488d6c2430      lea     rbp,[rsp+30h]
00007ff9`dea72a7a 33c0            xor     eax,eax
00007ff9`dea72a7c 488945f8        mov     qword ptr [rbp-8],rax
00007ff9`dea72a80 488965f0        mov     qword ptr [rbp-10h],rsp
00007ff9`dea72a84 48894d10        mov     qword ptr [rbp+10h],rcx
00007ff9`dea72a88 33d2            xor     edx,edx
00007ff9`dea72a8a 8955f8          mov     dword ptr [rbp-8],edx
00007ff9`dea72a8d 807df800        cmp     byte ptr [rbp-8],0
00007ff9`dea72a91 750f            jne     00007ff9`dea72aa2
00007ff9`dea72a93 488d55f8        lea     rdx,[rbp-8]
00007ff9`dea72a97 488b4d10        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rbp+10h]
00007ff9`dea72a9b e8402fa15f      call    coreclr!JIT_MonReliableEnter_Portable (00007ffa`3e4859e0)
00007ff9`dea72aa0 eb06            jmp     00007ff9`dea72aa8
00007ff9`dea72aa2 e8a9bf9d52      call    System_Private_CoreLib!System.Threading.Monitor.ThrowLockTakenException()$##6002507 (00007ffa`3144ea50)
00007ff9`dea72aa7 cc              int     3
00007ff9`dea72aa8 48b9a8304ae25a020000 mov rcx,25AE24A30A8h
00007ff9`dea72ab2 488b09          mov     rcx,qword ptr [rcx]
00007ff9`dea72ab5 e8262d697a      call    System_Console!System.Console.WriteLine(System.String)$##6000083 (00007ffa`591057e0)
00007ff9`dea72aba 90              nop
00007ff9`dea72abb 807df800        cmp     byte ptr [rbp-8],0
00007ff9`dea72abf 7409            je      00007ff9`dea72aca
00007ff9`dea72ac1 488b4d10        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rbp+10h]
00007ff9`dea72ac5 e89655a35f      call    coreclr!JIT_MonExit_Portable (00007ffa`3e4a8060)
00007ff9`dea72aca 90              nop
00007ff9`dea72acb 488d6500        lea     rsp,[rbp]
00007ff9`dea72acf 5d              pop     rbp
00007ff9`dea72ad0 c3              ret

The first code is calling JIT_MonEnterWorker_Portable and JIT_MonExitWorker_Portable. The other code is using JIT_MonReliableEnter_Portable and JIT_MonExit_Portable. The “enter” methods are defined in jithelpers.cpp here and here respectively. These methods do basically the same logic, minus some structural differences. The lock version is obviously bit longer with some additional logic (i.e. conditional ThrowLockTakenException) because that’s how lock is compiled.


The “synchronized” method is – for outside observer – same as using the Monitor/lock. No magic here. It’s also nice to see how the same pieces are reused in different layers.

Profile Picture Jiří Činčura is .NET, C# and Firebird expert. He focuses on data and business layers, language constructs, parallelism, databases and performance. For almost two decades he contributes to open-source, i.e. FirebirdClient. He works as a senior software engineer for Microsoft. Frequent speaker and blogger at