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by Jiří {x2} Činčura

Are static methods faster in execution compared to instance methods (.NET)?

27 Nov 2017 4 mins .NET, .NET Core, JIT, RyuJIT

Couple days ago, fellow MVP and colleague @RobertHaken tweeted from frustration about a refactoring (in this case not a good refactoring) into static methods. And I immediately started thinking about scenario where the static method might have some tangible benefits compared to instance method. What a better way to improve method execution than speeding it up? Could this be the case?


I created a simple, yet with specific purpose in mind, class and I’m going to call these methods using BenchmarkDotNet.

class FooBar : IFooBar
	public static int Static0() => 6;

	public static int Static2(int a, int b) => 6;

	public int Instance0() => 6;

	public int Instance2(int a, int b) => 6;

As you can see I applied the MethodImplOptions.NoInlining flag to really measure the execution speed as it would be in regular business-layer-type methods (these are generally not worth inlining). I also created one version without any arguments and one with two int arguments, just in case passing reasonable number of arguments would make a significant difference.

The instance is then held in readonly property typed as an interface (that’s why the dummy class implements even more dummy IFooBar), as it would be in a typical line-of-business application. The creation of the instance is not counted towards the execution time.


Let’s have a look at the .NET Framework 4.7 (CLR 4.0.30319.42000) with 32-bit legacy JIT (v4.7.2600.0) and 64-bit RyuJIT (v4.7.2600.0).

Method Jit Platform Mean Error StdDev Scaled ScaledSD
Static0 LegacyJit X86 1.1452 ns 0.0172 ns 0.0161 ns 1.00 0.00
Static2 LegacyJit X86 1.1437 ns 0.0122 ns 0.0114 ns 1.00 0.02
Instance0 LegacyJit X86 1.6129 ns 0.0124 ns 0.0116 ns 1.41 0.02
Instance2 LegacyJit X86 1.6506 ns 0.0151 ns 0.0141 ns 1.44 0.02
Method Jit Platform Mean Error StdDev Scaled ScaledSD
Static0 RyuJit X64 0.8303 ns 0.0098 ns 0.0091 ns 1.00 0.00
Static2 RyuJit X64 1.0884 ns 0.0168 ns 0.0157 ns 1.31 0.02
Instance0 RyuJit X64 1.3793 ns 0.0177 ns 0.0166 ns 1.66 0.03
Instance2 RyuJit X64 1.4048 ns 0.0143 ns 0.0134 ns 1.69 0.02

For .NET Core 2.0.3 (Framework 4.6.25815.02) I measured only 64-bit RyuJIT.

Method Mean Error StdDev Scaled ScaledSD
Static0 0.8837 ns 0.0130 ns 0.0121 ns 1.00 0.00
Static2 0.8165 ns 0.0135 ns 0.0126 ns 0.92 0.02
Instance0 1.0975 ns 0.0140 ns 0.0131 ns 1.24 0.02
Instance2 1.3922 ns 0.0124 ns 0.0110 ns 1.58 0.02

Given this is a micro-benchmark I’m not interested in absolute numbers, but in comparison.

Looking at these numbers, and kind of mentally smoothing out the numbers, it is clear static method beats the instance one, always. The difference isn’t insignificant.


Because the exploring, reasoning and digging deeper went little bit wider than I expected, I decided to split it to two posts for consistency sake. If you’re interested into looking under the hood, be my guest here.


Does this all mean one should start writing everything in static methods? Absolutely not. The difference in speed will be easily offset by one or two statements later. Or way more, by writing suboptimal code where tens of milliseconds will be lost. Instead of hunting fractions of nanoseconds where it doesn’t matter, the big picture needs to be considered.

Profile Picture Jiří Činčura is .NET, C# and Firebird expert. He focuses on data and business layers, language constructs, parallelism, databases and performance. For almost two decades he contributes to open-source, i.e. FirebirdClient. He works as a senior software engineer for Microsoft. Frequent speaker and blogger at